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  • Writer's pictureGordie

I am a Superdog?

I am practicing to be a therapy dog. Apparently, this means that I am basically a superhero and my super powers are calming people down when they are sad and making people happy. I think that my superpowers are important. Hoo-mom says they are very important right now because of something we cant see that makes me want to lick people more and snuggle them more. I have a knack for telling when people need me to help them feel better, I guess that's how I got my job. Anyhoo, I figured I'd tell you how I became a superdog.

Well it's like this.. I was not a superdog overnight. I had to do a lot of training. Hoo-mom took me on lots of walks to meet other dog friends, small humans, and people who said how cute I was and I practiced what mom called patience. It was sorta easy.. you act nice and happy and people pet you more. I am good at patience. This taught me how to be cute and friendly and sing to them and make them happy.

Superdogs are also helpful so mom gave me a job of loving 65 friends at New School High. I dont think it is a job...arent jobs supposed to be boring and make you annoyed? I love my friends and they make me happy. I guess maybe that's part of being a superdog- you don't think your "job" is a job because you love it so much? Who knows...?

So I dont know if you know this but hoo-mom teaches people to do things. She is always talking to me and hoo-dad and hoo-bro like a teacher. She makes us read and learn things- like no bunny heads on the kitchen floor (story to come later) and wipe your paws when you come in the house. My hoo-bro sits and looks at books with pictures to learn and I practice being a superdog by being still and letting him pet me while he reads. Since hoo-bro is reading and I cant read I watched superhero movies to learn how to be a superdog. I watched Avengers- they are superheroes right?

Just like any superhero I needed a costume. Now, hoo-dad said that my therapy dog vest was my costume but hoo-mom likes to make me wear ridiculous things that make her giggle and smile. So she bought me this silly outfit to wear... she called me "Captain Doggo of America." Why does she embarrass me like this? Mister and Niko (the Weiner dogs across the street) bark laughed at me a lot while I wore it and was running around trying to get it off. Way to go mom... way to go. Anyhoo, I did not wear it long because when you run in a cape and a hat they get caught on leaves and sticks and then those outdoor things follow you around the yard and you get scared.. then that makes mom take the outfit off because you are scaring hoo-bro and causing a mess.

Well this is sorta how I became a superdog according to mom. There are not that many steps I dont think... mom calls me helpful and nice and kind and useful which I guess is a superhero type dog but Im not a superdog.. I am just a dog living his best life with his hoo-friends- who are STILL missing btw.

Reminder: my New School High friends are all still missing. I wish I could fly to you with this cape mom made me wear, but I think I'd probably get stuck in a tree or something.


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